The Dream Year of Culture - Joensuu 2023
In english
The Dream Year of Culture
You can see and hear it, feel and smell it: The culture is everywhere
During the Dream Year of Culture everyone can enjoy culture, tasty Karelian food and merryment all over the city of Joensuu. During the year, you can indulge yourself in the most different experiences, because the dream year is full of free events. You don't always have to seek out culture: you might bump into it in surprising places and situations. The Dream Year of Culture -project supports local actors in the cultural sector and enables inclusive and communal activities for the people of Joensuu - something for everyone!
The Dream Year of Culture in Joensuu is slowly turning to its last quarter. You can still experience many events and occasions that suit many tastes. The end of the year program will be updated.
Art bath MetsäART - environment art along the light traffic route from Mehtimäki to Noljakka, behind the university at Mehtimäki’s side.
Tuuli Meriläinen - Bambien teehetki
Reima Hirvonen - Linnunsukua
Anna Kolehmainen – Herätys-kuolinkellot
Tuesday 3.10. at 6-7.30 p.m. Evenings of well-being at culture restaurant Sointula
Discussion between Joensuu city orchestra’s artistic partner Antti Tikkanen and social and health-care field’s entrepreneur Hannu Urjanheimo. The disccusion is lead by well-being specialist Päivi Eteläpää. Audience has also a chance to participate to the discussion. Music is provided by accordion-piano duo Sirpa Kainulainen and Tiina Karhu-Ahtonen.
Wednesday 4.10. at 4 p.m. Culture café - joint-kantele (Finnish zither) group Veila, Art museum Onni
Saturday 7.10. A moment of experience, Joensuu’s conservatory
starting at 1 p.m. communal handicraft moment – Taito Pohjois-Karjala (North Karelia)
starting at 3 p.m. ethno music group Džerela Karpat from Ukraine
More information below.
Saturday 7.10. at 11 a.m -12 p.m. art workshop Pop up Savi-Piknik, Miia Rosenius
Kiihtelysvaara’s Suojapirtti. Part of Taidetta ja mikkelkualia – event at 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Pop-up Savi Piknik is a communal, participatory work. Each participant gets to create ingredients and a dish on their own plate out of clay. Come to participate to the creation of the piece and wonder about the meanings of gathering together around the same table and our food culture. Guiding through the event is visual artist Miia Rosenius.
Workshop is open for everyone and free. If you want to quarantee a spot (10 spots) at the workshop, sign up beforehand directly to Miia (, 0503455827)
Send an email or a text message, which includes following information:
Piknik. Your name. Age. Phone number. Email address.
Wednesday 11.10. at 6 p.m. Pähkinäsaari 1323 rajakarnevaali – act, Kulttuuritehdas Siihtala.
Timoi Munne, Henry Räsänen, Janne Vänskä
Friday 13.10. at 10.30 a.m. The boulevard of memories – tune bridge to youth
Shopping centre Centrum.
Arto Tarkkonen, accordion, singing, stories
Ville Karjalaninen, trumpet, flugerhorn
Raimo Maaranen, bass, tuba
Saturday 14.10. Community singing event lead by Arto Pippuri, club house Rupla.
starting at 1.30 p.m. Cafeteria of the Joensuu Association of Pensioners, coffee + coffee bread 5€.
at 2-3 p.m. community singing
Friday 27.10 at 6 p.m Neighborhood concert – Songs of Kiihtelys.
Kiihtelysvaara Suojapirtti.
Folk music duo Juurisävel.
Saturday 28.10. at 1.30 p.m. The shopping mall is chiming – Jazzduo Timali
Shopping mall Iso Myy.
Welcome to a moment of Art experience!
On Saturday, October 7, Joensuu Conservatory (Yliopistokatu 4) hosts an event for discovering some art experience. In the lobby of the Conservatory, the guest will be able to participate in the communal ryijy’s (tapestry) making from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Anyone who wants to, can spend some time tying their part on the ready-made ryijy. The craft instructors from Taitokortteli will guide you through the crafting. If the ryijy remains unfinished, it will be finished afterwards in Taitokortteli. The location of the finished ryijy will be announced a little bit later.
The program continues with the concert Music from the Carpathian Mountains by the ethnic folk group Dzherela Karpat. Originated from Lviv city, Ukraine, the group is well-known in both Ukraine and in the world. One- hour concert will tell us a story about traditional Ukrainian folk rythms, brilliant and original folk compositions of ethnic Ukrainian ethnicities from the Carpathians – the Hutsuls and Lemkos.
Dzherela Karpat
Folk group members:
Rostyslav Fedynets (artistic director) - violin
Yuri Dyakunchak - bass, accordion
Yuriy Reha - dulcimer
Valeriy Shafeta - accordion
Vasyl Gamar – Pan Flute, ocarina, flute
Andriy Bozhensky – vocal, tambourine
Free entry!
Organized by Kulttuurin Unelmavuosi 2023 (The Dream Year of Culture), KIEKU, department of participation, Internationa House Joensuu and Joensuu culture department
Запрошуємо вас на день творчості та музики!
7 жовтня, в суботу, в Консерваторії міста Йоенсуу (Joensuun konservatorio, Yliopistokatu 4) проходитиме день творчості та музики. В холі Консерваторії, з 13.00 по 14:30 заплановано спільне виробництво традиційного фінського гобелену- ryijy. Усі бажаючи також матимуть змогу взяти участь у тканні частково вже готового гобелену. Інструкторами виступатимуть спеціалісти з мистецтв та ремесел Taitokortteli. У разі, якщо виготовити повністю гобелен не вийде, його закінчать пізніше в Taitokortteli. Де можна буде подивитися вже на завершений гобелен буде відомо згодом.
Програма продовжиться о 15:00 концертом «Музика з Карпатських гір» у виконанні етногурта «Джерела Карпат». Львівський етногурт «Джерела Карпат» знаний та улюблений як в Україні, так і по всьому світу. Концерт довжиною в годину познайомить з традиційними українськими ритмами, самобутністю та народними творами невеличких етнічних українських груп горян Карпат- гуцулів та лемків.
Учасники гурту:
Ростислав Фединець (художнiй керівник) – скрипка
Юрій Дякунчак – контрабас, акордеон
Юрій Рега – цимбали
Валерій Шафета – акордеон
Василь Гамар – най, окарина, сопілка
Андрiй Боженський – вокал, бубен, тамбурин
Вхід на всі заході вільний!
Організатори: Kulttuurin Unelmavuosi 2023 (Культурний рік мрій 2023), команда KIEKU, та Відділ культури та мов міста Йоенсуу.
Приглашаем на день творчества и музыки!
7 октября, в субботу, в Консерватории Йоенсуу (Yliopistokatu 4) состоиться день творчества и музыки. В холе Консерватории, с 13:00 по 14:30, пройдет совместное изготовление традиционного финского гобелена- ryijy. Все желающие могут также принять участие в изготовление уже полуготового гобелена. В качестве инструкторов выступят специалисты по ремеслам Taitokortteli. Если гобелен не получится завершить, то его завершат позже в Taitokortteli. Место, где можна будет посмотреть на готовое изделие будет известно познее.
Программа продолжиться в 15:00 концертом «Музыка Карпатских гор» в исполнении етногруппы «Джерела Карпат». Львовская етногруппа известна и любима как в Украине, так и во всем мире. Часовой концерт познакомит вас с традиционными украинскими ритмами, а также самобытными музыкальными произведениями малых этнических групп Карпат- гуцулов и лемков.
Состав группы:
Ростислав Федунец (художественный руководитель)- скрипка
Юрий Дякунчак- контробас, акардеон
Юрий Рега- цимбалы
Валерий Шафета- акардеон
Василь Гамар- най, окарина, сопилка
Андрей Боженський – вокал, бубен, тамбурин
Вход свободный!
Организаторы: Культурный год мечты 2023, команда KIEKU и Отдел культуры и языка г. Йоенсуу.
Wednesday 1.11. at 4 p.m. Culture café: Hurja Halla. Art museum Onni.
Friday 3.11. Boulevard of memories – tune bridge to youth
at 10 a.m. Youth club house, Hammaslahti
at 12.30 p.m. Ullakko, Tuupovaara
Arto Tarkkonen, accordion, singing, stories
Ville Karjalaninen, trumpet, flugerhorn
Raimo Maaranen, bass, tuba
Friday and Saturday 3.-4.11. Hammaslahti chimes and shines
Workshop is free and planned for the ages of 12-29 year olds. Over 29-year-olds are also welcome to join if there is any room left. You can participate either to the music workshop or the light art workshop. At the end of Saturday, a small open event will be held to showcase the results of the workshops.
At the music workshop, new music will be made with using instruments and GarageBand-program. At the light art workshop, we are planning and producing both the lighting for the Saturday’s event and the jointly designed piece for the surroudings of the youth club house. You don’t need to have any previous experience of producing music, playing an instrument or event technology. All you need to participate is a curious mind!
Our instructors are musician and music pedagog Laura Vuorjoki-Elo, and light designer and very experienced event production professional Riku Elo.
Friday 3.11 at 5 p.m.-8 p.m.
Saturday 4.11 at 10 a.m.-3 p.m. and the final event at 3 p.m.-4 p.m.
Small snacks will available on both days.
To sign up for the workshops and any further inquiries, please email us at
Wednesday 8.11. at 1 p.m., 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Bright tunes – relaxation concert, Pakkahuone.
Ella Kinnunen, Tiina Karhu-Ahtonen and Riku Elo.
Concert lasts around 30 minutes.
Sunday 19.11. at 6 p.m. Ilja Teppo, concert, Carelia hall.
Coat rack service 2€, interim service 4€ by Joensuu MM-Martat.
Thursday 23.11. at 5 p.m. Fhilosopher Esa Saarinen speaking: Towards the feature, Carelia hall
at 5p.m.-6.15 p.m. The joyish power of thinking in Joensuu: philosopher Esa Saarinen
at 6.30 p.m.-7.30 p.m. Panel discussion:
*philosopher Esa Saarinen
*CEO Sara Suvinen, Priole Oy
*philosopher Tuomas Peruna, University of Eastern Finland
*D.Ph, Head of environment and security Harri Leppänen, SSAB
*CEO, commercial counselor Kyösti Kakkonen, Kakkonen Yhtiöt Oy
*as a moderator, professor of management Anu Puusa, University of Eastern Finland
KontioMehu’s Lehtikuohu service (alcohol free) and free discussion at the end of the event.
Free entry.
Ensure a spot for yourself by purchacing a ticket from Carelicum starting 30th of October. You can also get tickets at Joensuu city’s service points (Eno, Tuupovaara, Pyhäselkä, Kiihtelysvaara). Max 4 tickets/person.
Coat rack service 2€.
Friday 24.11. at 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. The shopping mall is chiming – Duo Vänskä & Kämäri.
Janne Väsnkä, accordion, Pekka Kämäri, guitar.
Shopping center Centrum.
Wednesday 13.12. at 4 p.m. Culture café: Taige-quartet.
J.S. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge, the introduction and narrator Topi Linjama
Sunday 31.12. at 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. closing ceremony at the market square, event is producet with Virta – Joensuu’s city center association ry.
The Dream Lives On - The closing ceremony of the Dream Year of Culture in Joensuu
- Opening of the event: the host Josa Stone
- Dream Year of the Culture greetings: Katriina Leppänen, Cultural Director
- MC Sige X Da Hanski, rap duo
- Joensuun Tanssiopisto, dance show
- Mardi Tickle, glam rock/soul music
- Happy New Year by Joensuu City
- Fireworks
Welcome to the celebration for everyone!